Equipment relocation documents

Equipment relocation documents


Equipment relocation documents are describing relocation movement process of equipment and activity that conducted to move equipment.


Equipment relocation documents are prepared for managing information collecting from equipment relocation process which is conducted to moving equipment one location to another location on request of any department head on requirements of internal processes that engaged with manufacturing or supporting processes, the equipment move process is conducted by concern management, the documents are describe relocation process of equipment, activities and movement concern information are managed in the documents. Equipment relocation documents are used for managing equipment tracking and concern information of relocation costing and other requirements that used in process are conducted, the purpose of equipment relocation documents are help to determine planning of other equipment move to another places to pre-planning of each activity to minimize hard work and control on costing to learn from previous relocation of equipment. The equipment relocation process is conducted on request of department manager to equipment manager for internal used which can be permanently or temporary used, and on base of the requirements equipment manager is conducting processes for relocation of equipment.


Equipment relocation documents are prepared & maintained by equipment management, and equipment manager is conducting equipment move process, deployment of procedure for equipment relocation and its concern activity, monitoring and controls over whole equipment relocation process and effective compliance of requirements of the standards system to managing records & process to meet the departmental requirements. the process are managed and instructions are provided by equipment manager to concern peoples for conducting procedures of relocation of equipment on request of department, to filling the documents, equipment manager is prepared format to recording information of process, see picture below given as example format of equipment move form for education purpose:


Equipment relocation
Equipment relocation


Equipment move form is used to recording information of equipment move one location to another location in workplaces, the format is conducted on process are established of equipment relocation which is managed on department head request, the request are conducted on base of internal requirements, recommendation of installation at the location are prefer according to requested by department head. The documentation are maintained and recorded in equipment move form which is base of request. The documents are maintained, storage and disposal process conducted as per standards system.



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Equipment move form



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