Finished goods scrap document
Finished goods scrap document manage finished materials scrap records are generated on final inspection or final process on stage of finished goods processing.
Finished goods scrap document is established to recording and managing finished goods details and generated scrap during the final processes where finished goods are processing, the records are maintained from finished goods scrap generates during processing final product and after finished product stage, the scrap records are maintained separately, because of some reasons that finished goods scrap identification and records are important for manufacturing unit. The purpose of the recording finished good scrap is to identify cost, re-work and wastage of the finished materials generated during various processes for producing finished materials, the importance of the recording finished goods scrap record separately is to identify costs that higher that other scrap generate during production lines, because all the processes are done and all required tests are done on finished goods materials and from the scrap generated that mean is big loss for manufacturing unit that recording of those materials which considered as scrap and analysis cause of records to minimize scrap of finished goods.
Finished goods scrap records are established quality manager with contribution of production manager to identification of finished goods scrap reasons, monitoring on production processes, final processes and controls on costing of the product by reduction of finished goods scrap. The documentation are maintained, see picture below given of finished goods scrap log sheet for education purpose:

Finished goods scrap log sheet format is used to recording finished goods scrape records during final stages of manufacturing processes, that can be final quality stages or on packaging, before dispatch stages. This format is important part of the quality records that needs to monitoring on activities of the quality processes and record that describe scrap details from final materials, and also important for the reduction of the final goods scrap because of final stage scrap is complete loss for the management where all the required stages are completed, costing are being higher in that cases. The documentation is used for analysis and identification of the reasons of finished goods scrap and reduction.
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Finished goods scrap log sheet