Employee Training plan documentation

Employee Training plan documentation


Employee training plan and its procedure is to conducting training plan and ensuring to employee job performance improved and skill development.


Employee training planning and its documentation process or procedure conducting to improvement of employee skill and job performance, employee training plan is conducted as per its standard method and its standard requirements. The procedure describe procedure to conducting employee training plan and its documentation for conducting proper scheduled trainings and its performance to job performance improvement. Human resource department is identifying requirement of the each position that affecting the product quality and designation that required to proper skill to improvement of product quality and maintaining quality system. Employee training plan and its documentation responsible is human resources department, and maintaining records for employee skills, qualifications and identification of qualifications for improvement by training and also supervisors and department head is responsible to identifying specification for training requirements for designation within department. Employee is conducting the training and responsible to complete training and complete action plant to their department head indicated.


On employee appointed for any designation that, or change in the designation, job requirements changed, human resources department compare that employee skills and qualification with requirements of jobs and post, in case any requirement are identified which is not meet to position, human resources department, supervisor or head of department will be identify required action plan to provide skill required to meet the position as per qualification of employee. Human resources department is conducting the specific training and its requirements to preparation of training plan for employee to the action plan. The action plan can be include on job training, group training or any other required tasks. For the conducting the employee training action plan when completed by human resource department, its should be conducted by faculty which the format used in the training which should be standard, the format is prepared by human resource department and used for the preparation of employee training action plan, see picture below is given as references and education purpose:

Employee training action format
Employee training action format

Human resources department is schedules the job requirements and concern training with other important subjects that required to compliance to job description and its requirements. During the action plan tentative dates are mentioned in the schedules as the planning for the conducting action plan for the individual or group training activities, there are also required in the action plan to how to conduct the training and what should be measurable in the training are also determine in action plan to easier for inspector who will conduct the effectiveness of the training.


When the action plan is conducted at actual training that all employee individually attend the subjects of trainings and same the records are attendances are conducted to determine individual checking of effectiveness of training. Generally effectiveness of training and comparing action plan with actual training are manage by department head to identify subjects are remains left and what will be needs to further requirements to compliance of job and as per identified of job tasks. On the completion of the employee training action plan, employee should be demonstration on any task to against department head for supervisor as the effectiveness of training and improvement of the job task for employee. The supervisor or department head evaluates the training as per action plan prepared and its basics standards defined in action plan for employee training and ultimately all the results are achieved by evaluation, entered in action plan to managing document and complete employee action plan accordingly.



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Employee training action plan format



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