Product insurance and documentation
To controlling product insurances and documentation processes needs to establish standard method to proper management and audit of activities.
Product insurances and its documentation process / procedure is established to determine standard method through conducting processes for proper management of the product insurances activities and related documented controls, the system is deployed to managing all the activities of product insurances on each shipment of materials and all the concern document of shipments and insurances are arranged by shipper & banks concern documents are conducted by representative of company to arrangement of shipment of material and proper controls over all processes, and controls to activities are proper conducted during shipment of product with documentation is fully complied its activity.
The standard method for controlling on product insurances and its documentation activities are conducted to maintain system, standard method id determine to analysis of information of previous records of product insurances, documentations and standard system which through all the activities of shipments and its documentation is maintained, the standard method is defined by the management and deployed to monitoring on activities and controls over all product shipping and concern documentation preparation to storage of records are covered. The procedure will be applicable or cover the entire product at company, in case the multiple product is manufacturing and activities and government requirements are different are managing and its insurances activities should be accordingly. The procedure should be covered product inspection, audit packaging of the product and storage if the customers expecting to involve the activities to covered records.
The procedure of product insurances and documentation process is prepared and deployed by management and responsible for the proper handled and implementation in within department is department head of packaging and dispatch department, department can implement procedure to cover all the concern activities and shipping processes. For the shipping of the product, department should be conducted some document for the product insurance during the shipment of the product, the document is prepared by department and recorded for security of the material. The document is agreement between insurance company and company which insurance company is conducting its liability of the product in case any damage / loss of product partly or fully will be accountable to return against insurance policy. The documents which bond the insurance and company is product insurance liability form which is filled by dispatch department and with signed by insurance company to agree of pay its liability, see picture below for product insurance liability form given as format for reference and education purpose:

Production insurance liability form is prepared by dispatch department which is agreement between company and insurance company where insurance company is accepting liability of the materials shipped as per conditions and percentage of the shipped materials, its called also liability agreement and in the agreement liability should be clearly define. The product insurance and its documentation, product insurance liability form is important and all the concern records & processes are considered for the further actions on the materials, insurance details are also need to send along with materials hence is not just company document which is considered shipping document when go along with product shipped.
Product insurance and documentation are maintained and storage by dispatch department and it will be storage until retention period, the documents are very important mostly when materials shipped and at on ways, when the customer confirmed the material reached at destination and no any damage is identified that the agreement between company and insurance company is completed.
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Product insurance liability form