5s audit score trend
5s audit score trend is analysis managed to identify locations and areas for implementation of 5s effectively to analysis data of regular audit records.
5s audit score trend is documents and part of analysis that managed to identification various locations, areas and condition in workplaces, to effectively implementation for 5S system that deployed in various areas for improvement and manage concern materials well organized, and managed for proper setup.5S audit score trend is conducted on base of the documentation, the information collecting from various department to visiting, monitoring, the analysis process are managed for identify score trend of different locations and areas where achieved score to concern 5S implementation handled by department, the 5S score are provided by qualified auditors to visiting all the locations and areas and given the score to monitoring, examine condition of locations and given the score accordingly, the data that managed as per auditors score all the data are conducted from various areas and managed in single format for analysis. The analysis process is conducted on auditors provided score to each department, and the records are maintained as well as analysis process is conducted daily records considering and overall month views and reviews the situation and achieved score to identify weak areas and locations where further training for 5S and implementation are needs. The reviews team is conducting analysis to identify trend of 5S system implemented at various locations and find the weak areas as trend show the needs of implementation and 5s training requirements.
5S audit score trend documentation and its analysis are managed by 5S leader who had taken the responsibility of 5S implementation, processes and documentation of each activity conducted in various locations and areas in workplaces. 5S audit score trend documentation are prepared by 5S leader, and its documentation for analysis, identifications points and concern documents, results of analysis and audit concern records are maintained, see picture below given as example of 5S audit score trend format for education purpose:

5S audit score trend sheet format is used for recording information to managed analysis for implementation of system, the documentation are conducted and maintained for the same. 5S audit score trend sheet format is managed for the annual records as per auditors given score for daily basis, the records are maintained in single format to reviews day wise, month wise and location wise analysis and identify requirements of training, implementation and effective system management in workplace for 5S system.
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5S audit score trend sheet