The major part of the management representative role & responsibility with QMS can be effectively implementation of quality management within the organization. Simply MR’s Role & responsibility may contains Establishment of QMS, implementation, function enhancement and smooth processing.
When the organization adopting any standard system for improvement of internal management system. That needs to assignment of individual duties and responsibility. Normally it may for implementation of each requirements according to standards systems. Hence the management representative is key role in quality management system.
The needs to define well assignment of duties and responsibilities to easier to manage tasks that assign for quality management system concern. The documentation require to establish for assignment and responsibility of management representative.
The applicability of documentation of role & responsibility are manage as per quality management system scope and coverage. The processes and its concern activities are manage accordingly. The first stage of the managing all the tasks concern role and responsibility require to define well organized.
Reviews the organization chart
The organization chart where all the designations, responsible personnel structural chart is indicate in it. The top of the chart management representative needs to locate for particular quality management system chart under head of directors. Where concern authorities, responsibilities and its concern tasks are assignment occur.
Task Organize & Monitoring
The management prime responsible for managing all the concern tasks or monitoring on activities as assignment of duties and responsibilities. The concern management is manage of all the procedures, and provides the facility. To qualified personnel with document training conduct to performing the procedures.
The assignment of duties and responsibility, the management team is appointing management representative and define role of management representative for quality management system. The general role in the management system, management representative is prime responsible and authorized to manage the quality management system. Concern task that are ensuring the quality management system implementation, maintain and its continual improvement.
Quality of works & process
Its also important to endorse awareness in organization about customer requirements to identify complications in regular tasks to improvement of product quality and customer satisfaction. The management representative key role is provides middle for management and organization concern personnel. The management representative reporting to management on the overall performance of the quality management system that indicating standards requirements.
The other key role of the management representative is to communicate with all the internal and external communication relating to the quality system and its requirements. The management is provides the documents for the appointing management representative for internal management system. See picture below given as example format of appointment form for education purpose:

More about appointment form
The management team is provides the documents to concern appointee to assignment of duties and responsibility & authority for the particular tasks, the management appointee is conducting appointment form as the contract for tasks that assigned by management. Herein the appointment form provide for appointing management representative to manage the assignment of duties by management to concern internal management system works.
The documentation for the standards system is maintained as per international standards system that its all applicability is managed and assignment are done accordingly. Appointment form is documented under controlled documents as per documentation system of internal management, and the format is maintained, update and used by human resources department during the appointment requirement is managed accordingly.
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Appointment form