Advanced product quality planning – APQP
Advanced product quality planning (APQP) process is established and maintains to ensure the product quality that assure satisfies the customer.
The procedure of advanced product quality planning is established and maintained for the improvement in quality planning system to provides a quality best product to customers and enhance customer satisfactions, advanced product quality planning is method to systematically establishment, improvement and sustain requirements of the customers, technical and standards requirements to increase level of quality for the maximize customer satisfaction level, improvement in the customer satisfactions that mean growth of company. In the advanced product quality planning is managing standards to developing planning to effective quantity and quality management at an acceptable level to customers and scheduling to deliver the product to customers.
The purpose of establish procedure for advanced product quality planning (APQP) to assurance of planning to comply requirements of technical requirement of product, standards requirements for managing product with quality by advanced product quality planning. The management is assigned responsibility to concern planning team, generally management is preparing the cross function team for it, but its can manage quality engineering, product planning with consultation of production, in case of the cross function team is established that only quality department is contribute for the improvement and represent quality planning for the product, cross function team is managing of personnel from production, purchase, quality with appropriate support from customers. A team is assess the possibility for product planning and designing the parts / materials / product by internal discussion and communicates with customer, or review the design provided by customers. A team should satisfy that proposed planning, drawing can be manufactured and supplied in adequate quantity at the acceptable outlay to customer as per scheduled. In the planning quality of the product is in center of the discussion and planning but there are also important to customer get the product which is being deliver that chipper or acceptable cost and comply requirement of end applications, by the advanced product quality planning is preparing the documentation to recording information of the activities, summarize the information in single format to informative and improvement purpose. The system is also recommend to improvement and recording information of planning to deliver the material to customer should be properly documented and properly handled in the formatting system. See picture below of product quality planning review format which is conducted by cross function team during & end of the planning for the product quality:

As you can see picture above, product quality planning review sheet is conducted by cross function team to ensure the product quality planning is comply technical and standards requirements by the study, all the requirements and action are conducted for review in this sheet, the major element of product quality planning review sheet is manage, study and improvement is depend on product and requirements of the customers, see below general element for the product quality planning review sheet:
- Process capability study
- Measurement equipment testing system and analysis
- Production samples characteristic category
- Manufacturing / Engineering process monitoring
- Packing standards defined & management
A cross function team is developing a planning on based on production, customer expectations, and technical requirements through timing plan requirements same should be all members of cross function team is approved and agree on the actions and defined planning, there are also needs to ensure control planning and flow of process should proper followed and coordination with internal and customers with deliver as per scheduled.
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Product quality planning review sheet