Change Control Records format

Change Control Records format

Change Control Records format

Change Control records needs to prepared and maintain, if any major changes in process or product are prevent by customers, to comply customer requirements, change control records should be maintain.

See above picture need following format field required.

  1. Date
  2. Change Suggested by: Generally changes are made from customers or in house engineers that requirements of changes in product or process & it requirements note.
  3. Reference letter: Reference letters, memo, details are should be available to proof or reference.
  4. Reason for change : in the reference letter, details should be mentioned for reason of the changes in product or process design change, need to fill up in the control documents to further action, reason of changes are important part of this document to further actions.
  5. Suggested Change Details: if any suggestion by the customer or engineer that requested for changes, comments or suggestion are valued to concern changes.
  6. Feasibility review remarks : review of the possible changes are made in process or products, if the changes are possible that further action are prevent, that part of the changes are review in the section of possibility of changes.
  7. Implementation Details
  1. Affected Functions
  2. Effect of Change
  3. Change Agreed
  4. Signature
  5. Related Document
  6. Implementation Date

Effectiveness Note:

Verification & Approved signature & Stamp


 Download change control record format(Change-Control-Record-Document-format)

Change Control record format in PDF format (Change-Control-Record-Document-format)

Details of Change control record



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