Corrective action report log

Corrective action report log

Corrective action report log

Internal system found any non conformity that need to corrective actions for the comply requirement of system and tracking the internal system management. Corrective actions and reporting is important part of quality management system or any other internal system that follows international standard system which help to track on the company own internal system.

Corrective action report log Is register for each action taken by for the correction of non conformity raised, it can be product non conformity, process non conformity or document nonconformity that all are need to corrective action in line with N.C. raised to disturb internal system.

  In corrective action report log book having following required information that need to maintain, this is also called corrective action report register:

  1. Corrective action report no.
  2. open date
  3. issue to
  4. description
  5. due date
  6. close out date

all above information is recording for the future non conformity solutions or preventively actions on the non conformity raised in field that each actions are record to avoid future NCs. Record of the non conformity and its corrective action report log book are maintained by management representative, if the non conformity are raised to concern its fields, otherwise each non conformity records are individually department are handles, but its log book are maintained by management representative for each department separately or in single head format.


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