Departmental Data summary report

Departmental Data summary report

 Departmental Data summary

An organization follow multiple international standard systems that difficult to monitor each system had well follows by department, each department is valuable activities are corporate with standards that follows by company & same department activities can reflect conformity of standards requirements. To compliance of all the standards requirements are need to monitor actively through this format.

Departmental data summary report covers about recent five year data that department head under the observations. Each department own this format are used to requirements of compliance in case of non conformity found as requirement of standards.

This format are used for the continual improvement in each standards requirement to verify all the concern improvement are in line with requirements, what was the actions are taken for the improvements, what is the department objective is there department objective reflect company objectives, recently or previously is there any non conformity are records during the last five years period, what was actions are taken as corrective actions to comply the non conformity are founded in previous years as the same in line with what was the preventive action to avoid future non conformity.

Departmental data summary report also covers the requirements of the compliance records in case of non conformity are raised during external audit of various standards like ISO 9001, ISO / TS 16949 / ISO 14001 / OHSAS 18001 …, each standard requirement can be different as standard’s clause that department has to follow & same should be comply to keep the certification requirements.

If the organization follows integrated management systems that multiple systems are incorporated in single system, for the IMS this format will be highly useful to records all the departmental data individually maintain.

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ISO 9001 | ISO/TS 16949 | ISO 14001 | OHSAS 18001 : Formats

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