Managing Standard operating procedure applicability & deployment
Standard operating procedure management, identify applicability & deployment at workplaces as per standard requirements.
Standard operating procedure management system is deployed in workplaces and as per standard requirements whole system is managed and deployment are conducted, as per workplaces applicability are considered for standard operating procedures and accordingly processes are conducted and peoples are trained. Standard operating procedure is prepared as per standard works requirements, to considering internal activities, and operation are managed for manuals. Standard operating procedures are maintained as per international standards that applicability of clauses are managed and makes effective in workplace to improvement and maintain system of department.
Standard operating procedures prepared by appropriate department & responsible for managed and deploy, peoples should follow up are important for it, department manager is responsible for monitoring on activity to verify procedures are properly handled by department peoples. Department wise, workplace standard operating procedure management conducted and responsible is general manager, general manager is managing all standard operating procedures at each workplace. And the applicability of clauses as per standard are also defined and manage to support of management representative. See picture below given as example format of procedure applicability table which is made by management representative for various department and workplace that general manager is monitoring and controlled, see below picture given for education purpose:

The standard operating procedure applicability table are identifies which standard operating procedures of the internal management system apply to each work place / department of company, and same are each workplace / department is follow procedure system accordingly. The format is applied by general manager which is part of internal management system. During internal management system audit, procedure applicability table is helpful to conducting each workplace audit accordingly. The document is hold by general manager & used at appropriate requirements.
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Procedure applicability table