Manufacturing Process health documents
Manufacturing process health documents describe structural information are established to recording condition, strength & requirements of improvement of process.
Manufacturing process health documents are established to managing information of the process condition, process strength and general requirements that indicates process health, the process health verification of assurance is conducted by quality teams to ensure the product which is conducted for the manufacturing and proceeding in manufacturing process is sufficient for maintain quality. manufacturing process health documentation are conducted by quality teams to verification of each stage of manufacturing processes, conducting its supporting process that integrated or in sequences are also verified to ensure that processes which are established, maintained for producing materials are sufficiently works for producing materials and quality of product will be maintained during processes stages verified as process health verification & assurance concern. Manufacturing process health documentation is maintained for verification of the process mission and goal that needs to ensure that the objectives are maintains during the process sequences, consistently accurate and there are not mistakes or error even mistake proof system that no change or mistake should established and merged in processes are verified.
The process should be well established to each employee should filled better and motivate and satisfied with work environment are properly setup. The process planning are also needs to ensure that the department organization charts and its communication system should sufficient, and well managed that department must activity participate to perform tasks. The process verifications or verification of process health concern manpower is in prime that needs to well establish competence requirements for all designations and categories in department with each designation having defined duties and responsibility as per skill and experience. The process method should be well defined, work instructions, procedures, guidelines and its concern documentation and method of communication are maintained, and peoples should aware of documented procedures. The main factors for the verification of the process health is machinery and equipment installed in the manufacturing areas, machine requirement should be properly defined and documented, the process concern parameters, setup requirements, regulatory and concern instruments calibration planning should be maintained. the documentation for the process health verification, see picture below given as example format of process health checklist for education purpose:

Process health check report format is established, maintained to verification of process health, the format is prepared by general manager and quality managers hence the filled and verification of the process is conducted by quality team to verify each part of the process and condition of process sequences and interactions of processes and its stages.
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Process health check report