Requisition Slip


 Requisition Slip

When the material required by any department, department prepared requisition slip with all the requirements send to store department, requisition slip send for the consumable goods requirements, actually requisition slip is format of the store department but use this formats by other department except store department, this is the first format that owner of the folder are never used, its all are depend on internal management system.

In the requisition slip, there are one more field are mostly not used that is current stock at location are not showing by current in industry, but here we given in format due to understand the store department have to know, request department having a stock of material that requirement will be critical and need to take care on urgent basic, probably this field is not required in case of  re-order levels are maintained by department, but still this will be useful field reason that department are not taking care of  the stock at having on hand.

There are one more field is important to avoid misunderstanding, people are gives a requisition slip, store department confuse to concern the requirements, suppose required material can possible available in market with box and piece too, in case of requirements of user department box but purchase department buy the material in piece that possible to user department bear the trouble to concern.

Specific requirements note is very important in case of the ordinary requirements having a little change that user department need to little change with material, user department can mention details of any special requirement like a user department need a gear box as same as ordinary or regular buying by purchase department, but in this case required gear box with little grinding on corner for requirement of machine’s part fittings. Here the field to explain details that required.

In the format as above picture, you can see  the two signature required for  any requisition reason that head of the department know the requirements are sending to store departments or possible that head of the department can gives the solution for the material requirements can be cancel with the trouble having with department, there are bunch of reasons that not need to explain here but when you really start the requisition slip for used internally will get the idea how its helpful for the signature of the head of the department.

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