On time shipments performance
On time shipments performance is analysis of performance of number of job shipped on or before scheduled and root analysis of identified late shipments.
On time shipments performance is calculation of performance of job shipments as per schedules are managed, in case of the late job shipped are conducted separately to deep analysis to identify root causes of late delivery or shipments that find out source of late delivery, on time shipment is conducted as per schedules that is expected customer shipment date, when the shipment is not managed as scheduled that need to proper handle analysis on the each shipment missed date for improvement in future deliveries to enhance customer satisfaction. On time shipments performance based measurements are days that managing on schedule date to late shipping date are calculated as nos. of late days of shipment which can makes negative impacts on customers that company should takes necessary actions to maintain schedule of shipment in future deliveries.
On time shipment performance is important objective that need to achieve as target are defined and same for the customers’ reliability on company by improvement. To achievement of the target is need to analysis by conducting one time shipments performance, so that each shipping job is monitored and analysis to determine issues in late delivery are conducted necessary actions to circumvent late shipments in next shipments, see picture below of on time shipment performance for reference, how performance informative data are collected and how to used for the measure performance for improvement in upcoming shipments:

On base of the on time shipment performance and result impacts are on the production schedules, activities of marketing and other concern department, company should proactively conduct each schedule and managing each resource effective for the job management. Impacts of the on time shipment performance are from marketing to dispatch divisions that proactively, accurate & movement of the material should be quick move is very important that each stage of the production, quality, packaging and other concern department should be works actively to controls and managing works in time frame for achievement of targets.
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