Work Environment Planning Audit Checklist – ISO 14001

A work environment planning checklist may include all areas where materials, components or the medical devices could be contaminated, degraded or damaged by inappropriate environmental conditions; and to all personnel who enter these areas.

Work Environment Planning Audit Checklist

Work Environment Planning Audit Checklist page 01

What to include in work environment planning audit checklist?

  1. What is structural management planning for work environment planning? How is this organize?  What is prime factor to be affects planning?

  2. Name of the Project currently on going on in the work environment.
  3. Which project is recently finish? Name of the project? Check for newly complete project.
  4. Is there qualify personnel are appoint? Who is responsible?
  5. Is there any project is under orientation? All the under orientation project information, communication & documentations are communicate to third parties?
  6. For the Managing Budgets, Plans, financial supports, management & approvals responsibilities are assign?
  7. Is there project changes been affect parties? What is the communication method to affect parties? How it will be consider interest parties in the propose change?
  8. How maintaining information of the project problems, troubles, risks and concern information during the operating work environment? All the regular – non regular issues are record? How to priority manage?
  9. Is there Data analysis of the maintenance, expenses, project needs & budgets, project values, time frame, information flow, interaction and sequence of the work environment etc.. Maintains? Records? Or Evidences? What decisions are made from analysis?




Work Environment Planning Audit Checklist page 02

Further checklist points to focus on Food Safety system

  1. Is there sufficient planning of changes being made to the work environment?
  2. How is this manage?
  3. Who is responsible?
  4. How the propose changes been communicate to affect parties?
  5. Are quality and food safety risks being consider in any upgrades to the work environment?
  6. Are there any current upgrade projects underway and have these been communicate to external parties?
  7. Is there a budgeting process for infrastructure and work environment and who is responsible for managing it?
  8. Are issues related to Infrastructure and Work Environment being raise regularly?
  9. Whether the previous internal/external audit findings are close?



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