Authorized Signatory

Authorized Signatory : List of qualified Personnel for Authorized Signatory

 authorized signatory

As per international standards ISO 17025 technical requirements as well laboratory internal requirements that each signature has its own requirements, in the laboratory requirements are signatory is important part like Laboratory incharge, Laboratory technicians, Laboratory manager having its own requirements & qualifications that signatory are in line with its designations, each designation having it own limitations to signatory on the reports,  documents, testing reports or any other documents, all the concern on depends on duty and authorities are assigned by laboratory.

For the external communications, documentations or certificates which is goes out sites can be possible to specimen signatory is gives the authority by laboratory. Laboratory also assigns the signatory to personnel according to its qualifications, experiences and relevant training as well as its designation.

List of qualified personnel for authorized signatory is simple formats but being  very important when became records, to consider the requirements of international standard follower laboratory that is ISO 17025 standard follower can get the format for its internal use, download as below:

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