Fire drill and evacuation management system
Fire drill & evacuation management established to ensure that the fire equipment, fire safety system and fire safety related provided training are sufficient for workplace safety against fire incident occurred.
Fire drill and evacuation both are interrelated processes. Which are perform and drill procedure perform in organization. Fire drill is necessary process to ensure the safety in the workplace. Mostly where high flammable materials are used and storage. Management also order to performs fire drill, to confirm regular processes are safe from fire incidents.
Why arrange fire drill?
Generally, the fire drill is conduct on completion of fire safety training. To all trainee are participate in fire drill process. The management monitor the training effectiveness and improvement of safety against fire incident.
The organization want to check that the all workplace are safe from fire accident. The drill gives the assurance to management of safety, and monitor performance of employee in case of any fire incident occur. In case of any employee perform wrong, management provides training of evaluation.
What to do if fire incident occur? – fire drill is exercise for real incident in advance.
In case of any fire incident occur in organization. Fir drill process teaching the basic by categorize the personnel of organization. What will be individual activities and role during the incident occur?. “What to do” and “what don’t do” training should be provides to all peoples around the workplace. Mostly the fire safety and its drill are conducts where high flammable materials are used and storage.
The evaluation is part of fire drill process. The evaluation process are conducts when fire incident occur in workplace. Without fire fighters all the peoples working inside and around it, should immediate evacuate from the workplace. That the is the part of training, everyone must immediate leave the workplace. Safety officer and trainer both are responsible for verify effectiveness of drill process.
How to perform drill and evaluation process
Safety officer is organize the drill process, one or two time in a year. The drill process are manage according to environment heath and safety management system. Management representative (M.R) is responsible for identify safety drill requirement. Generally M.R. and safety officers are jointly arrange the drill process. They are identify training, location, equipment, and create situation for drill.
Fire drill and evacuation related training, and event is manage as per evacuation plan. The evacuation plan, drawing and indicator signs for evacuate from the workplace must be display at all workplace.
Safety officer prepare fire drill report once complete drill on base of perform drill in organization. Safety officer and M.R. are prepare fire drill evacuation checklist and its related documents. In the checklist require information are mention and verify points against the fire drill performed in organization.
See example format of fire drill evacuation checklist:

Checklist of Fire drill:
The fire drill and evacuation checklist used for recording information against fire drill process done in organization. Safety officer is fills checklist by review of performance of peoples participated in drill. M.R. is verify and review this checklist. In case more training require to individual is mentioned in specific note.
Review of documents:
M.R. and safety team are jointly review each point of checklist. The team ensure that the drill is done as per planned. Team also ensure that all the peoples did in drill as per training provides. Team reviews individual participant as per evacuation requirements.