How to effectively manage product / component development
The purpose of this guidelines / procedure to effective manage and implementation of planning & development.
Overview to product development
To implementation of planning & development of product / component needs to establishment of proper procedures, accurate processes and guidelines to each processes and stage where needs to implement of planning and development establish at various levels and assembly units.
The top management is identify the product / component requirements as per end application requirements and customers instructions and technical sheet, hence development are prepared planning to considering requirements and same the implementation stages are decided by production and assembly lines. The implementation of any product / components needs to basic requirements like raw materials planning, bill of materials, human resources and other requirements and resources, hence the team needs to verify the product / components’ technical and design sheet.
How to implement procedure?
To the effective implementation of product / component needs to verify the technical requirements of customers, internal management, & plant and assembly lines and required manpower with available resources. Generally the bill of materials, raw materials are basic and complicated management on first run tests that is testing and implementation of new product / component development at any assembly lines.
The suppliers management, inventory management and quality testing on the each stage is needs to effectively manage and implemented. The development team conduct the requirements from management for development of product and development team prepared and manage required document that is product / component development notice where all the required materials are describe and provides for implementation of product at assembly lines. see example format of product / component development notice:

Product / component development notice
The part of the product / component development notice is concentrate on the product requirements. That is raw materials and other supporting materials. Where the required parts and materials inventory, suppliers and requirements are describe as previously manage. Further requirements, new parts and inventory management are implement as per product / component requirements and situation of the suppliers and end application requirements. The required materials or noticed materials are needs to approvals as describe phases and authorized personal instructions. All the process stages are manage like material sampling, auditing, quantity and delivery schedule etc.., are managed.
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Product / Component development notice format