how to write a near miss incident report?

How to write a near miss incident report?


What is near miss incident?

A near miss is a potential hazard or incident that has not resulted in any personal injury. Unsafe working conditions, unsafe employee work habits, improper use of equipment or use of malfunctioning equipment have the potential to cause work related injuries. It is everyone’s responsibility to report and /or correct these potential accidents/incidents immediately.


Understand, what is the difference between an incident and an accident?

Incident is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage.  An accident is that happens unexpectedly and are always unintentional, and they usually resulting potential injury, illness or damage.


In the organization, in case any incident occurs in workplace the related personnel should immediate reporting to concern authority. When any major incidents are occurring or have significant social impact in the organization. on that movement, the management is only responsible for dealing with external parties. Generally, team are conduct all the related procedure of incident / accident. See below the step by step procedure of incident investigation:


Incident investigation process

The management team is establishing near miss incident investigation procedure.

The management team is establishing near miss incident investigation procedure. This procedure can be applying to all near miss incident occur in any place of organization. The basic of the process is to dealing with actual and potential nonconformity.

Generally, the “near miss incident investigation” process inputs are document and reporting. This inputs are helps to investigation procedure for implementation and reviewing related CAPA. See below Process – sequence by advanced SIPOC system:


Process SIPOC (Supplier – inputs – Process – outputs – Control / Customer)

  • The department head, Supervisors or site in-charge is responsible for provides information of each near miss by various ways. Such ways are discussing in general meeting, reporting to general manger or management representative for occurrence of near miss incident. That can be verbal reporting to supervisor – supervisor reporting to concern authority.
  • As the inputs of information that is details of incidents nonconformance related to environment, health and safety system is collected.
  • Management representative and member of steering committee are collected the inputs; hence the both the parties are responsible for the processing information received from various locations. Incident and actual potential nonconformance during execution of work to ensure that investigation related to incident is carried out in timely manner & all required stages / steps are conducted. The authority takes actions to mitigate any consequences arise.
  • The process reviews, identifications of source causes of near miss that is outputs of processing the information are managed to investigation of incident, corrective actions of nonconformance. The risk assessment process and corrective and preventive actions on each near miss identified are verified, investigated and controls are deployed at appropriate locations.

Process Conclusion

The investigation should be conducted for all the incidents, including first aid. The investigation scope varies based on the severity / potential severity of the near miss. The management representative and steering committee is part of investigation. They are managing investigation report together. The reviews of each near miss incident investigation report to determine the near miss investigation method as well to assign appropriate personnel and team. The investigation team is prepared the report to information / provides the results of investigation through near miss investigation report.

See example format:

Near miss investigation form template
Near miss investigation form format

Documentation & Review the system

The Incident Investigation is identify the root cause of incident. It is necessary that, the corrective measures are must deploy within the twenty-four hours of incident occurred. The corrective actions are implement at on requirements. That may an extract date and designated responsible person for the completion and following-up.

The incident investigation team are share the results of investigation to affected peoples. That can be manage through notification by meeting or other way on complete the investigation. The investigation team is responsible for inform all near miss incidents and investigation results to M.R. of E.H.S. system.  The incident evaluation team should be review all related documents of investigation on completion of the process.


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