Manual amendment documentation
The purpose of manual amendment documentation established to managing records of manual changes, sections and page amendment records.
Manual amendment documentation is prepared, maintained and update for managing information of changes are made with company manuals are conducted its concern process and records where all the pages changes, sections and other changes are made in manuals are conducted and recorded for further actions and acknowledge concern departments of change effective with system. The manuals are established for the maintained system and each manual is maintained for establish system in the internal management, for quality, safety, environment and other purpose to systematic processes and improvement internal management system. The records are maintained when any system changed or any process requirements are changed in management, or any other requirements that directly effect on manual that needs to change, or during internal or external audit, any non-conformance identified that needs to change manuals, that some other cases are also happened to change in manuals, and those changes are effective on manual amendment.
Documentation for manual amendment process and its concern activities, changed effectives and other details are maintained to maintain system, the manual amendment change through other changes are made in system that also conducted by documentation which maintained by management representative. Management representative is responsible for conducting manual amendment documentation, effective of amendment, acknowledgment of changes and its effects on other processes, documents and activities are conducted and records for internal change, and also for acknowledge each department, sending and verify documentation of change happened in the system. For the conducting records of manual amendment processes, management representative prepared manual amendment sheet and attached on front pages on manual to reader can get idea that manual is amend after original issues, see picture below given as example format of manual amendment sheet for education purpose:

Manual amendment sheet covered, manual’s changes which raised due to some management change, internal system error or any other reason that needs to change manual amendment for improvement system, the records for amendment is managed in sheet that handled by management representative, and its amendment sheet is attached on front pages of manual for acknowledgement of changes made during amendment processes.
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Manual amendment sheet