Process change review checklist

What is Process change review checklist?
Process change review checklist is document for verification of implemented changes in organization. A document covered new processes, machine, major repairs, layout changes & major tooling changes.
What is Process Change Review?
When company made any changes in products or process to identified causes:
- Product cost
- Process cost
- Dissatisfaction of customers
- Updating to modern technology
- Major Layout changing
- Major tooling changes
- New process that make easier
- Other reasons
Above reasons that reflecting production, processes, procedures, human behaviors that needs to identify & controls on causes that make a process of changing much complicated or dump down on production line.
Before real establishment, management needs to check the changes made in previously to process that demanded to review for enhancement of effects of changes or finds cause to affect current products, new products or production defect to make down satisfaction ratio.
Consequence is Review on all sides of coin after changes made by management that covered changes on New Process, New Machine Installation, Major Repairs, Layout Changes, Major Tooling changes.
What is Process Change Review checklist? & Why Required Process Changes Review Checklist?
When we talk about system that help to any kind of checklist to limited causes or points are set in bunch of questions. Checklist is simply defied points to be check & short or full description that show to understand points reviews.
Process change review checklist is help in management of changes that are on right way or wrong. Process change how affect productions, product or other factors of part of floor ways.