Quality Audit | The quality audit of final packaged product carried out to verify the conformance to standards.
Quality audit of final packaged product is process that managed by qualified quality auditor team. To ensure that the product packaged on final stage is maintained quality requirements. The product standards, technical requirements and customer requirements for final packaged process had maintained. And all requirements are complied accordingly. The Auditing process owner is quality department. Hence quality manager is responsible for identify requirements of final packaged product requirements for quality. The quality manager is select the quality engineers / inspectors for conducting Auditing for final packaged product.
Quality Audit planning
The quality engineers shall be responsible for implementation of the processes. The documentation needs to manage and improve final packaged product requirements. The quality audit process is maintained for final packaged product as quality system management defined scope. The implementation of processes to overall process improvement. Packaging materials identifications, customer requirements of product quality, delivery requirement etc., are considered during quality audit of final packaged product. Final packaged product’s quality inspection and auditing is maintained to verify the basics structural procedures.
Quality Audit Initial Verification
The customer provided drawing, internal drawing department implemented drawing and maintained in production lines are verification require. Identifications and traceability is also involved in quality audit to identification of defective materials at various stages. The final packaged product quality audit is also called document audit. Where all the final packaged product documents are inspected by engineers to ensure the concern processes are maintained. And implemented for producing materials to finalized and packaged product.
Quality Audit Process, Final Packaged Product
The procedures for quality audit of final packaged product is established by quality team. The quality management is deploy the quality engineering team to verify the records, documents and processes. To ensure the final packaged product, quality manager is responsible for selection of quality engineers.
They are provide guidelines for conducting quality audit, monitoring on quality inspection processes and controls over the process.
To enhance effective quality audit processes.
The processes conducted by quality audits for the final packaged product are as below:
- The quality auditors are verify the product job order as prepared by planning department. Implemented schedule sheet for the product development. The planned information and schedules should be needs to verify for ensure product standards, customer specific requirements and final product expectations.
- The quality auditors are conducting the processes as per standards procedure defined for the product identification and traceability. The standard methods for tracing the each batch which are already ship to customers shall be establish and enabling easy retrieval of damaged / defective batch.
- Auditors are needs to verify the standards procedures for repairing / reworks of defective product. The inspection of re-worked product should be maintain require instructions. Parameters during the processing.
- Audit team should be conducting any audit processes at places. Where scope for managing tasks and final packaged product’ audit is also conduct as per process planning. The Schedule by system & audit is conduct as frequency define in quality system.
- The team should be maintain control plan for the final packaged product. The control plan should be prepare and implement as internal requirements. The final inspection and in-process inspection standards’ control plan is similar or can merge in single control plan. But the separate issues and its detailed information should be mention and same the implement.
- The quality team needs to prepare audit plan, schedule and planning documents before the conducting Audit. Each audit requirement are manage and schedule in documents, the planning sheet should be well develop according final packaged product’ Audit requirements.
Records verification of documents
The final packaged product’s audit process helps to determine improvement plan for all the stages for provide quality product to customers. The records and its documents are also considered by Auditor Team for reviews for improvement. Auditor Team is also prepared the documents for conducting final packaged product. The document prepare by Auditor team is final product audit plan. See picture below:

Quality Plan – Final Packaged Product
Free Download – Quality Plan in Word document | Excel Sheet | PDF format | Standard templates