Cleaning Checklist – Daily Weekly Housekeeping templates

Cleaning Checklist free download as below:

  1. Daily cleaning checklist
  2. Weekly cleaning checklist
  3. House cleaning checklist
  4. Professional house cleaning checklist



Checklist Description

Cleaning is primary requirements of any organization, company that always require attention to make the company clean and dust free, mostly companies are adopting some technique to maintain cleaning in the various areas through 5S system, human resources extra efforts, internal management system that help to systematic way to clean the areas of the company.

Cleaning is each employee responsibility but the human resources department is the primary responsible to handle all activities for the cleaning in the company. Generally human resource department’s involvements in physical as well as document side are also well aware to controlling on system. Here as above see the picture for the cleaning checklist is prepare to enable monitoring, controlling on the activities of the cleaning.

In the cleaning activities in the company are maintain though documents. Here given cleaning checklist that is sample format for the human resource department. They can monitor to inspecting signature of the respective department heads. If the department head not sign that mean cleaning activities are not done at areas, hence immediate actions can possible to take.



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