Housekeeping document audit

 Housekeeping document audit


  • Check the agreement copy are available with department, all the necessary agreement records are available?

  • Whether proper housekeeping records are available?

  • Is there all the housekeeping records are covered all the area / location / department / offices which are in company premises?

  • In housekeeping works hazardous chemical / materials are used having a MSDS for each one?

  • All the House keeping materials records are available?

  • All the housekeeping material storage records / issue records / stock records are maintained? What is the process of the reorder level? How the procure ring?

  • Is there any evidence of the documents are verified & approved by authorized person?

  • Whether proper toilet cleaning checklist is available?

  • People who working for house keeping are trained? Safety awareness training is given? Are there any document / record evident?

  • Records of each sweeper, cleaners, and helpers listed?

  • How the works / area / offices or locations are distributed? If not how all are manage? Are there any records for it?

Housekeeping document audit

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