What is 5S

What is 5S?

what is 5S


5S is a Japanese Methodology to make a management environment which from accomplish cleanliness, regulate in entire work area to achieve by well structured & systematical ways program. 5S can improve & get continual improvement in works to enhance morale or whole team that is company’s each & every person.

The 5S word Came from Japan, actually this is Japanese techniques to improve productivity, enhance work place area after carry 5S in workspace.

5S stand for:

  • Seiri
  • Seiton
  • Seiso
  • Seiketsu
  • Shitsuke


That’s English meaning are as below respectively:

  1. Shorting
  2. Set in order
  3. Shine
  4. Standardize ( Labeling )
  5. Sustain ( Carry on)


Description of each word of 5S as below:


  1. Shoring [ Seiri ]

    Very first step to hold this technique is elimination of all unnecessary materials, tools, parts, papers etc.. From work area, tables, drover, cabinets etc.  Only hold the things which are are in use or necessary things. Some peoples had a sympathy about things & don’t want to away from its area. As result is work area being unorganized & unwanted materials are stocking on to disable find necessary material or thing. “Don’t be panic…just away material which is not required for regular works.”


Basic concept: – Away unwanted material from work place


  1. Set in order [ Seiton ]

    To Make people efficient, This task to consists of ordered material, tools or everything on its place or easy to accessible for you. So that it can retrieved quickly & putting back for the same. If every person can easier access material or item, job will became well-organized & looks productive.  Each item or material having permanent on rack or cabinet or any place that will be easier to find for everyone. More over its can also done with leveling to identification for each item.


  1. Shine [ Seiso ]

    It is a third one step to increase model in 5S concept, shine consists of cleaning entire workplace to look like temple. Some body said me shine mean “ inside temple out side garden” that is called shine. Cleaning of workplace is always appreciating visitor of our workplace.


  1. Standardize [ Seiketsu ]

    Forth step is standardize or labeling or regulative any word can use for this step. Motive is systematically standardize the thing to other people can get motivate for do this.  When you cleaned the workplace but next time what, how and which are you will be covered to maintain cleaning in work area. For this what, how & which method to create the standardization or standard procedure to maintain it, that is standardize.


  1. Sustain [ Shitsuke ]

    The last step of 5S is Sustain – make good practice of above four step to make regular it. Sustain consists that audit of all above four step that mirror checks that all are completed as per standardized. This step you can measure your work which you done in previous step, if any lake of the procedure can identify and shoot it out.



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