6s Checklist format

6s Checklist format

6s Checklist format



What is 6S?


Which is 6th S?


Generally people always ask the question that, we know 5S but which is 6th S? 6th S for the “SAFETY” this 6th S is very important for the organization can’t ignore during any operation are run that all are very risky, safety and it precautions are very important for the workmen as well as organization that each stages of the ‘S’ implementations & consider progress in organization.


6S checklist format is cover the all required of implementation of the 6S that previously discussed in 5S, off course last one safety is also covered in the checklist points that previous article you can read for the further information. 6S checklist format in helpful in the areas that want to cover individually.


Here 6S checklist format is constructed for the full week there are simple field that points against sign the tick mark to ensure the points are inspected as indicated in checklist point list.


Download 6S Checklist format in word document format

6S definition / 6S checklist format PDF / 6S checklist format Word document

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