Compliance evaluation format

Compliance evaluation format   Any kinds of manufacturing industry are used waster, chemical and gases that directly effecting environment, human heath and safety hence government laws, rules and acts are…

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Production Safety inspection checklist

A production safety inspection checklist is visual checking tool, it is focus on preventive fire and explosions system, chemical handling, potential incident / accident at production area. It may works…

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Hazard analysis and critical control points for food product

Hazard analysis and critical control points for food product HACCP ( hazard Analysis and critical control points) process is used in food industry for the control measure, controlling on process…

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Environmental checklist

The environmental checklist should cover all the aspects of the environmental requirements. It should also objective-based performance to achieve the goal. This checklist frameworks, contents, and it schedules may sufficient…

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Environment Inspection and test plan

Environment Inspection and test plan   When the organization engaged with manufacturing through processing material which from generate harmful chemicals and material that need to control on the hazardous materials…

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Facility Inspection

Facility Inspection   Are the drivers licensed?                                                                                               Have the daily inspections been done properly?                                                 Are the trailers properly chocked?                                                                                Are the trailers in safe condition to use?                                                             Are the containers…

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Safety task analysis

Safety task analysis   Heavy engineering and heavy equipment manufacturing and Services Company need precautions of each stage to eliminate risky situation to eliminate or minimize risk level of incident…

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Confined Space entry safety tips

Confined Space entry safety tips   Is there procedures / work instructions are prepared? Is all are documented? Is there procedures / work instructions are deployed at confined space entry…

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Elevator inspection check point

Elevator inspection check point Is there general condition of elevator acceptable? Whether motors properly protected from dirt and steam? Is there loss wires are found? Electrical wiring is properly at…

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Injury register

Injury register   Occupational health and safety (OHSAS) is the international standard that focus on health and safety of the humans that working in organization, visiting at plants and company…

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