What is Process Analysis?

Process Analysis

 Process Analysis

What is Process Analysis?

Structure of Procedural presentation “The model used to illustrate sequence of route, exposing steps of changes & required method to interface and key figures”

Process analysis basic requirements are as under:

  1. Process name
  2. Process owner details
  3. Input
  4. Output
  5. Method
  6. Interfaces with
  7. Presentation / Key information

Let’s See example:

Process: Improvement (Concern Product quality)

Process Owner: All employees


–         Customer Complains

–         Non Conformity Reports

–         Internal audit reports

–         Output of management review meeting

–         Output from data analysis

–         Customer satisfaction measurements

–         Employee’s suggestions

–         Self Assessment


–         Improvements – Continual Improvement Programs


–         In case of any customer returned / rejected product, it is analyzed for reason of non conformance & appropriate actions are initiated to avoid the reason. This rejected product analysis is done in minimum possible cycle time.

Interface with:

–         All company process

Key information:

–         No. of continual improvement programs

–         Projects

–         Cost savings

For detailed understanding needs? You have self practice to fill out the format, that is available for download free here, all the process analysis sample given as above is useful and go with line as example.

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